- Memory: 4 MB nonvolatile FlashROM memory,
- Tracklog: 270,000 points,
- Size: 2.48" W x 3.27" H x 1.14" D (63 x 83 x 29 mm),
- Weight: 5oz with batteries (140 g),
- Display: Dot matrix LCD screen (8 character * 2 lines),
- Green LED diode (indicates position catch);
- Power source: 2 "AA" batteries,
- Battery life: Over 400 hours of continuous operation,
- Standby time: Over year;
- RS232 interface with DB9M socket (standard 9-pin male socket);
Data stored by GPS Tracklogger:
- Date UTC (year, month, day),
- Time UTC (hour, minute, second),
- Latitude and longitude with the 1/10000 arcminute resolution (e.g. 52° 32,7253 E),
- Altitude with 1 meter resolution,
- Number of visible satellites,
- HDOP in the range between 0.1 and 25.5 with resolution 0.1,
- 2D/3D mode;
Communication protocols:
- NMEA protocol (used to communicate between GPS and Tracklogger),
- MLR / Log_It protocol (used to communicate between Tracklogger and PC);
Compatible software: